Vibely Digital
How To Research Keyword For Amazon Product Listings

You are aware of how severe the competition is as an Amazon merchant. It can be difficult to stand out and get your products in front of the correct buyers with millions of products available on the marketplace.

Researching keywords can help with that. In a nutshell, keyword research is finding the terms and expressions that clients use to look for goods similar to yours. These keywords can help you increase your visibility and drive more visitors to your page by being used in your product listings.

You’ll have the resources and information necessary to enhance your Amazon product listings and increase your sales by the end of this book. So let’s get going!


Understanding Keyword Research for Amazon

Let’s go into the specifics of how to conduct effective keyword research now that we’ve covered the fundamentals of why it’s important for your Amazon product listings. We’ll go through the specifics of Amazon’s search algorithm, the many keyword categories you can focus on, and the tools accessible to you to conduct keyword research for your Amazon products.


How Amazon’s Search Algorithm Works

To get the most out of your keyword research, it’s essential to understand how Amazon’s search algorithm works. In a nutshell, Amazon uses a complex algorithm that takes into account various factors to determine which products to show in search results. Some of the most critical factors include:

Relevance: Exactly how well the product listing corresponds to the customer’s search criteria.

Performance: How well the product has previously sold and the number of good reviews it has gotten.

Availability: Whether the item is stocked and accessible for purchase right now.

Pricing: How reasonably the product is priced when compared to alternatives.


Overview of Different Types of Keywords

There are various kinds of keywords you can target while conducting keyword research for Amazon. Here is a brief explanation of each kind and its importance:

Short-tail keywords: usually one or two words, these are very competitive. They may not be as focused, but they can assist you in reaching a large audience.

Long-tail keywords: These are longer, less competitive phrases that contain three words or more. They can assist you in narrowing your focus and generating more qualified leads.

Branded keywords: These are keywords that contain your brand name and can increase consumer awareness and loyalty to your company.

Competitor keywords: These are the keywords that your rivals are using, and by using them as well, you can draw clients who are searching for products that are comparable to yours.


Keyword Research Tools for Amazon

You may undertake keyword research for your Amazon products using several methods. Among the most popular choices are:

Amazon’s own search bar: You can use this to find common search terms for your product.

Keyword research tools like Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and MerchantWords: You may get ideas from this. These tools offer keyword statistics and insights to assist you in selecting the most appropriate keywords to target. Verify the most popular search keywords for your goods.

Google AdWords Keyword Planner: Despite not being created with Amazon in mind, this tool can offer useful keyword statistics and insights to guide your search strategy.


Choosing the Best Keywords for Your Amazon Product Listings

Now that you are familiar with the fundamentals of keyword research, it’s time to learn more about selecting the appropriate keywords for your Amazon product listings. We’ll go over some cutting-edge strategies that will assist you in finding the most pertinent and popular keywords for your goods.


Overview of Keyword Research Techniques for Amazon

Let’s start by looking at some keyword research strategies designed exclusively for Amazon sellers. With the use of these methods, you’ll be able to discover the keywords that people use to look for products on Amazon, improving your chances of appearing higher in search results.

Utilizing Amazon’s auto-suggest function, which offers keyword recommendations as you type in the search field, is one method. These ideas, which are based on the most widely used search phrases by customers, might be a wonderful place to start when conducting keyword research.

Utilizing Amazon’s search phrase report, which offers information on the actual search words that customers have used to find your products, is another tactic. This might provide you with important information about the keywords that are bringing the most visitors to your listings.


Tips for Identifying Relevant and High-Traffic Keywords

The next step is to decide which keywords are most pertinent and likely to generate the most traffic for your listings once you have a list of viable keywords. Here are some ideas to help you do that:

  • Concentrate on keywords that relate to your product category and intended market. For instance, you should focus on keywords like “yoga mat,” “yoga accessories,” and “fitness equipment” if you sell yoga mats.
  • Search for keywords that have a monthly high search volume and low competition. These key phrases are more likely to boost your search engine positioning and drive visitors to your listings. To find keyword data, you can utilize programs like SEMrush and Google Keyword Planner.
  • Long-tail keywords should be used since they are more focused and targeted than short-tail keywords. For instance, you may target “extra-thick yoga mat for bad knees” rather than the general keyword “yoga mat.”


Discussion of Long-Tail Keywords and Their Importance

Let’s explore why long-tail keywords are so crucial for Amazon sellers in more detail. Long-tail keywords are more specialized and particular than short-tail ones, making them more likely to draw buyers who are specifically looking for what you’re selling. Let’s imagine you are marketing a cookbook for vegans. You’ll have competition from hundreds of other retailers if you target the general keyword “vegan cookbook.” 

However, you’ll stand a much better chance of showing up higher in search results and luring customers who are particularly looking for what you’re selling if you focus on the long-tail term “easy vegan recipes for beginners.”


Optimizing Your Amazon Product Listings with Keywords

Now that you’ve chosen the right keywords for your Amazon product, it’s time to optimize your product listings to make them as appealing as possible to potential buyers. We’ll talk about the best ways to use keywords in your product names, descriptions, and other fields, as well as how to optimize your keywords and other hidden fields on the backend.

Guidelines for Incorporating Keywords into Product Titles, Descriptions, and Other Fields It’s crucial to achieve the correct balance when including keywords in your product listings. Avoid stuffing your titles and descriptions with keywords because this can make your listings appear spammy and difficult to understand. 

At the same time, you want to confirm that you’re utilizing a sufficient number of pertinent keywords to raise your search rankings and draw in suitable clients. Since your product title is one of the most significant fields that Amazon’s algorithm considers, one strategy is to add your most crucial keywords there. Then, while still using pertinent keywords where necessary, you may add more background and context using your product description and bullet points.


Best Practices for Optimizing Backend Keywords and Other Hidden Fields 

You can use a number of hidden fields in addition to your product title and description to improve your Amazon product listings. These include your backend keywords, which are used by Amazon’s algorithm to evaluate relevance and search rankings but are hidden from customers.

In order to maximize the effectiveness of your backend keywords, you should try to use as many pertinent keywords as you can without overdoing them. Additionally, you can utilize programs like Helium 10 or AMZScout to find other keywords that you might have missed.


Discussion of Amazon’s Keyword Ranking System

In order to effectively optimize your product listings, you must fully comprehend how Amazon’s keyword ranking algorithm functions. Relevance, sales velocity, and customer ratings are just a few of the variables that Amazon’s algorithm considers when ranking products for a certain keyword.

You should concentrate on including pertinent keywords, offering top-notch product photos and descriptions, and encouraging favorable customer reviews if you want to raise your search rankings. You can advertise on Amazon to market your goods and increase your visibility.


Updating Your Amazon Product Listings with New Keywords

Out with the old, in with the new is a saying you may have heard, and it certainly holds true for keyword research and optimization for your Amazon product listings. Simply put, if you want to remain competitive and keep up with shifting search trends and customer behavior, you can’t just establish your keyword strategy and forget it. You need to continually update and renew it.

Explanation of why it’s important to regularly update your Amazon product listings with new keywords. Why is it important to keep adding new keywords to your product listings on Amazon? Well, to begin with, search trends and consumer behavior are continuously changing, so what was successful six months or a year ago may no longer be. You may stay on top of trends and increase traffic to your page by keeping abreast of new keywords and adjusting your product listings accordingly.

Also, Amazon’s search algorithm likes products with new, relevant content that includes new keywords. By adding new keywords to your product listings often, you can show Amazon that your products are up-to-date and useful. This can improve your product’s exposure and search rankings.


Strategies for conducting ongoing keyword research and optimization

How can you maintain your competitive edge in keyword research and optimization? Here are some tactics to take into account:

Use Amazon’s keyword tools: The Amazon Keyword Tool and the Amazon Search Terms Report are just two of the several free and paid keyword research tools that Amazon provides. You can use these tools to find new keywords and modify your product listings accordingly.

Monitor your competitors: Keep a watch on the product listings of your rivals and note any novel keywords they are employing that you are not. By doing so, you may maintain your competitiveness and make sure that you don’t pass up any opportunities.

Conduct seasonal keyword research: seasonal trends may have a big impact on your search strategy depending on your product area. Prior to the holiday shopping season, you should carry out keyword research to find relevant keywords and optimize your listings if you sell things with a seasonal theme.


Discussion of the Impact of Seasonal and Other Trends on Keyword Performance

It’s crucial to take into account how seasonal and other trends affect the effectiveness of keywords. For instance, if you sell Halloween costumes, you should be sure to include pertinent keywords in the weeks before Halloween to benefit from the rise in search volume. Similar to how search patterns might alter in response to newsworthy events or popular culture phenomena. For example, if a popular TV show talks about a certain type of product, you might want to include keywords related to that product to take advantage of the increased interest.

Obviously, it’s important to be careful and not try to take advantage of bad or sensitive situations. But you can improve your product listings and attract more buyers if you stay up-to-date on trends and use the right keywords.


Tracking the Performance of Your Amazon Product Listings with Keyword Data

Make sure your product listings are operating properly and drawing in the right kind of people if you’re an Amazon merchant. By keeping an eye on keyword data and using it to optimize your listings, you can make your business more visible and make more sales. Overview of Different Types of Keyword Data Available on Amazon. You may monitor the effectiveness of your product listings with the use of Amazon’s numerous sorts of keyword data. You may check out what terms people are using to find your products, for instance, by utilizing Amazon’s Search Term Report. 

This report offers information on each keyword’s clicks, impressions, and sales. The Amazon Keyword Tool can also help you come up with ideas for pertinent keywords and analyze their performance in terms of search volume and competitiveness.

Tips for Using Keyword Data to Improve Your Amazon Product Listings

It’s crucial to make good use of keyword data once you have access to it. Here are some pointers for enhancing your Amazon product listings with keyword data:

Identify high-performing keywords: Keep an eye out for keywords that are driving plenty of clicks and sales. You should concentrate on using these keywords in your product listings.

Optimize your listings: Include high-converting keywords in the titles, subtitles, and bullet points of your products. Ensure that the writing in your listings is clear and simple to read.

Monitor your competitors: Keep an eye on the keywords that your rivals are using in their product listings. Seek out possibilities to make your listings stand out from the competition by differentiating them

Track your progress: Keep an eye on the effectiveness of your product listings and tweak your keyword plan as necessary.


Discussion of Amazon PPC Advertising and A/B Testing

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on Amazon can be a good way to get people to look at your product ads. With Amazon PPC, you can make ads that show up when people look for certain terms. By keeping track of how well your PPC ads do and making changes to your targeting and message, you can make sure that your ads have the most impact possible.

Another great way to improve your product descriptions is to use A/B testing. With A/B testing, you can make different copies of a product listing and compare how well they do against each other. You can find the best mix of keywords, product titles, descriptions, and images that get the most clicks and sales by trying out different ones.


As an Amazon seller, it’s important to keep in mind that keyword research is an important part of your overall sales plan. If you find the right keywords and use them in your product listings, you can make your page more visible and get more people to visit it. This can then lead to more sales and more success on the site.

We hope this guide gives you the information and tools you need to be successful on Amazon. We’re sure that if you use these tips and methods, you’ll see a positive effect on your sales and income. 

Best of luck, and good luck selling!